Optimism is a characteristic that can bring you much happiness in your life if you allow it. Have you ever been around a person with a consistently negative attitude? Pessimistic? If so, then you can probably relate to the negativity that surrounds that person, and how that negativity may zap your energy right out of you.
Bad attitudes put out negative vibes and cause a person to live in a state of complaining and a host of negative emotions. Optimism, on the other hand, is a positive attitude that can help you experience more happy days on your life journey.
Your Life Is What You Make It
Your attitude will affect your life one way or another. If you want to experience more happy days, adopt a positive attitude no matter what circumstance you find yourself in. Have you ever known a person who just seemed happy no matter what was going on in his or life? Maybe they got laid off but still, they walked around smiling and optimistic. Perhaps they didn’t get the promotion they wanted, yet they continued to believe that one day they would. They may have come to understand that optimism and a great attitude gets them much further in life and makes them feel good. They could go around sulking in self-pity all the time, but they choose not to.
Optimism Is A Choice
Optimistic people are not born optimists. They simply choose to adopt a positive perspective regardless of what situations they find themselves in or obstacles that come their way. Becoming an optimist is not necessarily easy, but it is possible and becomes easier with practice. One thing optimists learn along the way is that their thoughts and feelings today have an influence on their lives in the future. Positivity breeds positivity and negativity breeds negativity.
If you want more “happy” in your life, make a conscious decision to adopt a positive attitude regardless of what comes your way. Things may not always go as planned, but you can choose to seek the silver lining. You can choose to smile and trust that you’ll be alright no matter what comes your way.
You Become Who You Hang Around
Have you ever heard the statement, “birds of a feather flock together?” Essentially, this means that you become who you hang around with. If you want to have a great attitude toward life, hang around others that have a great attitude toward life. Listen to inspirational people who motivate you to stay positive and go for your dreams. Join up with those in your community who are doing positive things in the world. Be aware of who is sucking your positive energy from you and talk to them about their negative attitude. If they won’t change, stay away from them as best as you can.
Optimism can make a huge impact on your life and those around you. It can affect your personal and professional life. Decide to think more positive thoughts, speak more positive words, and surround yourself with more positive people. As you do, chances are you’ll experience more happiness in your life and you’ll spread that happiness to others. And that, my friends, will feel amazing!
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