Marko Rubel’s enthusiasm will inspire me to implement the system and get to the next level.
“Thank you! The foreclosure seminar had incredible attention to detail, enthusiasm, and your compelling personal story. You gave very direct and complete answers to questions, and provided a complete, thorough, and detailed course manual. You are obviously working the business as well as teaching it.”
Mike | Philadelphia, PA
Seminar Feedback Form
Name: Mike
City, State: Philadelphia, PA
Your personal message to Marko Rubel regarding his Foreclosure Seminar:
Thank you! Incredible attention to detail, enthusiasm, and compelling personal story. Very direct and complete answers to questions. Complete, thorough, and detailed course manual. Obviously working the business as well as teaching it. Marko Rubel’s enthusiasm will inspire me to implement the system and get to the next level.
What was your overall impression of the Marko Rubel Foreclosure Seminar?
The education was definitely valuable. I learned a lot and took many notes. I was convinced through the presentation to purchase the subject to boot camp in a box.
What would you like to see us do differently?
Align the presentation more closely to the manual.
Are you planning on working your foreclosure market when you get home?
Yes most definitely. I have worked it before, but was not organized enough with the marketing and did not have the negativity tactics that I learned at the real estate investing seminar.
What do you want to accomplish with your real estate investing business? What is your dream?
Certain financial and business targets to allow me to devote more time and resources to helping others as well as to improve my own standard of living.
What do you think your biggest obstacle will be with your real estate investing business?
Distractions with non money making activities associated with my existing rental business. Also working estate planning for myself and parents. Actively looking to hire contractors to deal with my non money making activities which will take time away from marketing and appointments.
How serious are you about becoming financially secure this year?
Very serious, to improve my existing financial security.