Even if you are new to real estate investing, you don’t have to sound like it. There are many ways to position yourself as an expert and build other’s confidence in your abilities even if you are a newcomer to the industry.
Play on Your Strengths
Now you may wonder, “if I am new to the industry, what abilities can they possibly be confident in?!” The length of time you have been investing doesn’t matter. Be honest. If you are new, admit you are new. However, let them know what experiences you do have. Maybe you worked in the finance industry, were a real estate agent, or worked in sales. Even if you think what you have done in the past has absolutely nothing to do with real estate or investing, I am sure there are aspects you can pull from that will set you apart. Play on your experiences, and be prepared to let people know what makes you different.
Knowledge is Power
Is someone who has been in the industry for decades going to have more knowledge than you? Of course. But they worked hard to get there, and I guarantee you, despite their years of experience, are still continually learning. Gather knowledge wherever you can. You can read books, attend a seminar, find a mentor or take an online course. There are always methods to continue your learning, and the more knowledge you gain, the more you can talk authoritatively about a subject.
Be Prepared
You can never be too prepared. Having a plan when you walk into a meeting is always beneficial. Sit down and think about any objections you may encounter and how you would respond. You can also outline a script to keep you on track. If there is a specific subject or problem to be discussed in the meeting, make sure you have done your research. Have specific examples to point to. You may not have all the answers, but being prepared will boost your confidence, and this reflects in your presentation.
Be Humble
If you don’t know the answer to a question, admit it. People will respect you much more for simply saying, “you know what, that is a great question. I can do some research and get back to you with an answer,” rather than fabricating a response. Being humble, admitting you don’t know it all, and being willing to do the research, will leave a positive impression with the person you are meeting with.
Surrounding yourself with people who are knowledgeable in the industry, or even professionals in other industries can help you expand your horizons. You can gain insight from stories or experiences they share with you and apply what you learn to future meetings. Also, networking can help lead you to future business, because people often like to work with people they have come to know and trust.
In conclusion, regardless of your experience, if you are honest, humble and are continually seeking new learning opportunities, you will gain the respect of the people you work with.
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