We’ve been hearing for years now that the next recession is just around the corner. We heard year after record-breaking real estate year. We’ve seen the media warn everyone to be on guard. We’ve watched some of the investing experts start selling. We’ve heard Trump say the next recession is already here.
However, despite all the negative talk surrounding recessions, let’s not forget that every recession can be a huge opportunity for investors who are informed and ready to take action.
Because when recession time comes, there are plenty of people who default on their homes or divorce due to untimely stress. Now, it’s unfortunate that so many people suffer such consequences during the economy’s down times and my heart will go out to them. At the same time, I also understand business and recession time is THE time for investors to prosper.
I’m not saying to stop investing now – not at all. In fact, using My Unlimited Funding program, you can cash in right now on real estate investments without even using your own money or funding. What I am saying is to look for the silver lining if and when the next recession comes and know how you can use that recession to build wealth.
Here are 4 ways to do so:
- Sit on your equity
For now, leverage your equity. By this, I mean refrain from splurging on the luxury motorhome or boat. Allow your equity to work for you when the recession hits, so that super low interest home equity loan can be used to greatly expand your portfolio.
- Watch for the defaults
In a recession, people are laid off and can’t afford their homes anymore. As a result, they default, and this is a perfect time for you to approach them using My Unlimited Funding method to help ease their pain – before their home must be foreclosed upon. At the same time, there will be those that default and end up in foreclosure, and you’ll have the opportunity to get their homes at quite a discounted price.
- Watch for the divorces
In a recession, there is greater stress and strain on families, and sometimes that strain causes spouses to split. Along with divorce comes the splitting of assets and oftentimes, the sale of the home. Divorcees are oftentimes highly motivated to sell, because they need fast liquidation. It’s the perfect time for investors to grab homes for a great price.
- Take advantage of lower interest rates
When the economy struggles, banks lower interest rates. This allows you to expand your investment portfolio nicely. Be sure your FICO score stays high and you’ve got some cash for a down payment. In addition to purchasing homes ‘Subject To’, you will have ample opportunity to purchase units using lenders with incredibly low interest rates.
When will the recession come?
No one knows for sure when the next recession will hit, but as history has shown us, recessions do come from time to time. But you don’t have to allow fear to keep you standing still or in a state of panic. As long as you’re prepared with knowledge and insight, you’ll be able to keep yourself from losing money and you’ll be able to use the recession to continue building your wealth.
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